Sunday, December 23, 2007

Static Images

So I'm stuck at Gramma Lola's house for Christmas. It's a real bore. The train from Kalamazoo was like 4 hours late and there were some high-strung Rocky Horror fans sitting behind me singing "Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me" the whole way (and you know they've never been touch-a touch-a touched). They might have had one of those portable DVD players too, which always get on my nerves. But I'm sure it's just resentment.

I think I'm looking forward to seeing my therapist more than I'm looking forward to Christmas. My hair is too dry to deal with Christmas right now, and the only clean clothes I have are a ghetto-sized black sweatshirt and my (not so) trusty Cheap Mondays.

Actually, I have a bone to pick with Cheap Monday. My blue leggings-tight pair have stretch marks, and around the crotch of all places. This just isn't acceptable. I mean, I've lost a lot of weight, I'm down like 15 lbs, and still my jeans are stretched out and wrankly. Can you believe that? I guess I can. But I don't want to. It just isn't right. I believe in planned obsolesence and everything, but for a pair of jeans to not even last six months is ridic.

I'm watching Family Guy right now, O Blessed Television. Thank the Lord. But I really feel more tuned in to static images. I always watch a movie or TV show and find one frame I could stare at forever. Maybe it's the anticipation, but that's really just thinking about it too hard. I just like them. There's so many that really deserve to be put in galleries. You know, I'd be really happy if I could spend the rest of my life doing just that.

Oh! And P.S. or something: Now that I've seen Videodrome I have to say my dream is to become Brian O'Blivion. Television is the retina of the mind's eye. X X

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